  • 2023年9月19日
  • 7分钟阅读

First-in-Nation Pilot to Provide Low-Income Driver with Affordable Access to EV Launched in Boston by BlueHub能源, 延音能量, BET9官方APP下载 & 柯德曼广场社区发展公司.

日产LEAF电动汽车 & Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Bidirectional Charger Now Available to a Resident at an Affordable Housing Complex in Boston’s Dorchester Neighborhood

BlueHub能源是国家非营利社区发展融资组织BlueHub资本的一部分 延音能量, 该国领先的车辆到电网(V2G)服务提供商, today launched the first V2G pilot program for multi-family affordable housing in the nation designed to increase affordable access to electric vehicles (EVs) for low-income drivers. 这项工作是与企业控股(BET9官方APP下载)合作启动的, 管理企业的移动解决方案的领先提供商, 全国和阿拉莫汽车租赁品牌, 和 柯德曼广场社区发展公司. (CSNDC), a grassroots community organization committed to developing affordable housing 和 fighting for racial 和 economic justice in Boston.

The new pilot pairs V2G bidirectional charging with the Nissan LEAF EV to tap into the car’s battery as an alternative, 为CSNDC女孩拉丁公寓提供清洁能源, 多尔切斯特的一个经济适用房综合体, 质量. 这个试验将使凯尔文·洛佩兹, 公寓大楼的住户, 以较低的租金按月使用车辆. 

作为试点的一部分, Lopez is able to use the car freely except during limited summer hours when it must be plugged in to the charger to support peak power dem和s, 比如在炎热的下午,当建筑冷却系统运行时.

“在向电动汽车过渡的过程中,像我这样的社区在很多方面都落在了后面,凯尔文·洛佩兹说, 参加新试点项目的司机. “同时, 我们受污染的影响最大, 汽油价格和波士顿不断上涨的生活成本. 在过去的几年里,我看到我的油箱加满油的成本几乎翻了一番. I wanted to get an electric vehicle but there was nowhere to charge it overnight near my apartment in Dorchester. I am really excited about this opportunity to bring EV charging to my neighborhood 和 to share what we learn with the community.”

The pilot aims to increase the use of EVs in environmental justice communities by lowering the costs of an EV for a driver 和 eliminating the costs for affordable housing developments to host charging infrastructure.

V2G飞行员的收入约为3美元,000 per year from local utility company Eversource through its Connected Solutions Dem和 Response program. BlueHub, Enterprise 和 延音能量 are subsidizing the cost of the EV as BlueHub tests the most efficient ways to scale the pilot.

随着各城市和各州朝着更清洁、更环保的未来迈进, 我们必须把公平放在中心位置,BlueHub资本首席执行官Elyse Cherry说. “太经常, 从环保政策中获益最多的社区被排除在外. 我们的新试点项目将把低收入社区带入电动汽车的过渡阶段.”

麻萨诸塞州,与…一起 其他六个州 包括加州和纽约在内的美国将在2035年之前停止销售新型汽油动力汽车. 麻萨诸塞州的 清洁能源和气候计划 呼吁到2050年将交通运输排放在1990年的基础上减少86%, 包括到2030年拥有超过100万辆电动汽车的目标. BlueHub能源’s pilot aims to ensure that environmental justice communities are not left behind in the clean energy transition as states across the U.S. 通过雄心勃勃的电动汽车目标,加大减少温室气体排放和应对气候变化的力度.

到目前为止,向电动汽车的过渡在很大程度上绕过了低收入社区, 其中许多国家更有可能遭受气候变化的负面影响,德威特·琼斯说, BlueHub能源公司总裁. “Our goal is for communities with lower incomes to be early participants in the adoption of electric vehicles by employing a scalable model to tap utility savings to lower the costs of an EV 和 reduce regional emissions 和 local pollution. 像我们和费玛塔能源公司合作的试点项目, 企业和CSNDC从来没有像现在这样迫切需要公平地应对眼前的气候危机.”

盖尔Latimore, CSNDC执行主任, 她同意主持新的试点项目,因为她看到了对当地居民的积极影响. “这与我们在环境正义方面的长期工作是一致的, 确保我们的社区不会落后,拉蒂莫尔说.

“每个州的每个社区都应该拥有电动汽车. The integration of vehicle-to-grid technology reduces the operational costs of EV ownership 和 bolsters our grid with a higher infusion of renewable energy. 在费玛塔能源公司, we're deeply honored to be a part of a pioneering collaboration that will set the precedent for making EV adoption affordable 和 widespread across the U.S.延音能量首席执行官Tony Posawatz表示.

延音能量’s V2G bidirectional charging platform manages the EV’s state of charge 和 both charges 和 discharges the EV battery. 该公司基于云计算, 人工智能驱动的软件平台分析数千个快速变化的数据点, 例如天气和公用事业数据, to identify times an EV can earn revenue by sending some of the energy stored in the EV’s battery to the grid or to a building. In periods of heightened dem和—like sweltering summer afternoons when cooling systems are in overdrive—utilities often require additional energy. 这些关键时刻, 被称为“赚钱的机会”,为电动汽车提供了将储存的能量回馈电网的机会. Eversource pays EV fleet 和 car owners with V2G bidirectional chargers to send energy to the grid during those times when electricity dem和 is high.

“提供卓越的客户体验推动了我们的电气化战略. 这不仅仅是在我们的车队中增加电动汽车. It’s about looking long-term at infrastructure 和 exp和ing power 和 charging viability to support an equitable 和 inclusive electric future,Chris haffenreferer说, 企业控股战略发展副总裁. “Collaborating with 延音能量 和 BlueHub to bring this pilot to life 和 explore the viability of V2G charging in a low-income area aligns perfectly with our electrification efforts. 对于更广泛的社区来说,这是一个绝佳的机会, 它将为未来的基础设施规划提供有价值的信息.”

The V2G pilot is the latest initiative from BlueHub能源 that increases low-income communities’ access to clean energy through employing creative financing models.A portion of BlueHub’s participation in the pilot program is funded by a grant from the Opportunity Finance Network


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企业控股是一家领先的供应商 移动解决方案 包括租车, 车队管理, 车, 中型客运共乘, 车租赁, 奢侈品租赁, 零售汽车销售和车辆订购, 以及差旅管理等交通技术服务和解决方案, 让顾客的出行更便捷. 企业控股的子公司和加盟商,连同其联属公司, 企业车队管理他管理着一支由2人组成的多样化船队.100万辆汽车通过10多个综合网络,在超过90个国家和地区拥有超过5000个配备充足人员的社区和机场租赁地点. 由圣泰勒家族私人持有. 路易斯,BET9官方APP下载管理 企业租车, 全国汽车租赁公司阿拉莫 品牌.

关于BlueHub能源 & BlueHub资本

15年来, BlueHub能源 has developed 和 employed solar financing models that have lowered utility costs at affordable housing complexes, 减少区域排放, 产生了回报. 在某些情况下,BlueHub能源已经将电力成本降低了50%,并与价格飙升作斗争. BlueHub能源公司也提倡 政策变化 消除了马萨诸塞州低收入社区获得廉价太阳能的障碍. BlueHub资本 是使命驱动的吗, nonprofit community development finance organization focused on building healthy communities where low-income people live 和 work.


把它. 把它插. 利润. TM 延音能量’s proprietary vehicle-to-everything (V2X) bidirectional charging platform turns EVs into batteries on wheels, 使电动汽车车主能够从当地的公用事业中赚钱. 有管理的双向充电, 公用事业公司可以将电动汽车作为电网边缘资源来增加弹性, 很容易将它们添加到虚拟发电厂, 避免建造新的峰值电厂. V2X包括V2G(车辆到电网), V2B (vehicle-to-building), 以及V2H(车对户)装置. 延音能量是人工智能驱动的双向充电平台的技术不可知论开发商. 欲知详情,请浏览 FermataEnergy.com 跟着他们走 LinkedIn.


它的使命是在Codman广场和南多尔切斯特建立一个有凝聚力和弹性的社区, develop affordable housing 和 commercial spaces that are safe 和 sustainable 和 promote economic stability for low- 和 moderate-income residents of all ages.